Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Faith and Heroes

I don't believe in heroes, but i've got a second rate
I have faith in the future
but time is elusive
Deeper visions, bigger lies
these illusions tie us to a higher high
Looking forward, feeling no warmth
Looking forward to some peace of
It can only take as long as it does to say

And From A Dream, I Sleep

There's a storm coming, there's a storm coming, there's a
storm coming.

These were my thoughts as I awoke one morning. These thoughts, and the unmistakable feelings of fear and doom. Like a rabbit gone tharn, I sat up in bed - Trying to gather the fleeing memories of a dream.

I was alone in my room. And outside, the calm, incessant sounds of life. The occasional car passing. A group of kids are playing in the street. The neighbors dog is barking.

Everything is normal.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Dig It

Well, It seems we are finally going to find out if "Brushy Bill" Roberts was actually the infamous William "The Kid" Bonney. I can't be the only one that had the "who cares?" flag pop up when they announced this in the paper. I think the need for a nickname says it all. After being forced to take another identity, I guess old billy felt that he had to jazz up his new name a bit.
Where does archeology end and just plain curiosity begin? It's one thing to dig up mummies in Egypt, but quite another to disturb the graves of three, recently dead, people in order to extract DNA. Have we really become so disrespectful of our dead? If, in my family, no one remembers what dress my great great grandmother buried in, we are not allowed to just dig her up and check. I suppose we could call this billy the kid episode "Mob Curiosity". Why, also, would anyone be proud of claiming a cold blooded killer as an ancestor? We don't really see anyone clamoring to be Hitlers' kin.