Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Only One could be the Topcat

It says alot about our culture when we are more outraged by a couple of cheerleaders getting it on in a bathroom stall, than the everyday violence that we are confronted with everyday. The appropriate response to this should have been to watch, and possibly cheer them on. How often do they get treated to a cheering section? They work so hard and this is how they're repaid. Shame on the women of Tampa. You usually pay good money to see a little girl on girl action; Unless the big todo was because the stall door was closed, or maybe feelings were bruised because they weren't invited in.
Now, it was wrong for the one to give another "innocent" cheerleaders' ID in lieu of her own. The poor girl is crying and throwing up, not because her "good name" is tarnished, but probably because her family now knows what goes on at away games. They are called Topcats for a reason. A Very Good reason. In fact, I believe the women who broke them up deserved a punch in the face. You could say that not everyone likes watching to pro cheerleaders get it on, but that wouldn't be true. Everyone likes it, just some people are more apt to admit it than others.


Anonymous said...

Bravo!! Cheerleader sex is necessary and hot, no matter what anyone says. Shame on those petty tattle-tales. Two women lost their jobs because someone with a less adventurous spirit, a bad disposition, and a small bladder decided that girl-on-girl drunken pro cheerleader bathroom stall sex was unacceptable in her presence. What misguided animosity! I don't know what moral standards you hold your pro cheerleaders to, but in my book, this is right on par.

Anonymous said...

okay, so there is only one stall. You have to really take a piss, you hear two men in the stall they are getting it on, and on, and on, Would that excite you! Or #1 would you piss your pants! Or #2 would you as I am sure your men, or maybe boys, get angry!? MAYBE you to might get excited. Get a room, and grow up.

Anonymous said...

To 11:45 Anonymous,
Life is far to short to get your hackles up over two adults having a good time. Stop and see the humor in things, you'll live longer and happier.

Anonymous said...

I think if two girls partying it up can do whatever they want to whomever they want. They were in a stall, which makes it a private matter. These professional cheerleaders have to sign a morals clause to work as cheerleaders, i.e. can't date the football players or pose nude in magazines. Having the cheerleaders sign the clause is archaic and a double standard. What about the football players that shoot people, rape or steal at their hometown malls? I don't see them getting fired!!! Cheerleaders are paid $50.00 a game, and how many millions do pro football players make a year? I give Kudos to the girls for saying what the fuck, let's make out.