Monday, October 31, 2005

Can you Proposition the Lord?

On november 8, for all the non-Texans out there, we will be voting on a constitutional ban on same sex marraiges. You should be made aware that such marraiges are already considered unlawful by the state. For what it's worth, which is a hell of alot since this is my Blog, I will be voting against this prop. As a married straight man to boot!
I do have bunches of respect for the christian point of view. As much respect as can be mustered for people who kiss rattle snakes and molest young boys. Oh, am I pigeon-holing an entire segment of our population? I just don't see how Tom and Dick-no pun intended-getting legally hitched poses any threat to my marraige or family. I do see, though, how the crimes of the church could affect us. Maybe it's just me.
I can already hear the the christians pounding on the gates; You just haven't been called out on your sins. Yet. Well thats not exactly true is it? God sees all, in case you've forgotten. I'll write it again in case you still don't get it. GOD SEES ALL. Are you really so arrogant as to believe God even needs your help you self serving sons of bitches? See, now I'm angry. He/She will take care of everything in due time, so get the f*** over yourselves. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate christians. I just feel better when they're not around.
Now for a little personal religious backround. I went to catholic schools for most of my chilhood years. I was even an alter boy for some time; It was a great way to get out of class now and again. Believe it or not, I was never even molested by any of our priests. I know. Shocking. As priests go, they were actually great guys. My main split with the church came at the hands of our eighth grade math and french teacher. Being a very devout individual, he thought it was a good idea to keep a bunch of eighth grade boys after our friday mass to do the whole hold hands and pray thing. I refused. That was when I started to distiguish the difference between the church and God. That was when I stopped being a christian and started on my own personal journey to understand the idea of God; A journey that I believe will not end even after my physical death. So drink your wine and eat your wafers. You'll find out soon enough if you're right. Until then, why don't you just lighten up a little bit; It's not your salvation on the line here.


Anonymous said...

Good blog!

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Anonymous said...

nicely put...

ill be voting against prop 2 also

Anonymous said...

In every generation there are going to be radicals. religous, political, and scientific; etc.etc.
Psy speaking the media plays a very big part in all of this. Without a media, who would really give a damn, who would know? The MEDIA STIRS US UP! AND WE PLAY RIGHT INTO THEIR HANDS. I am agreeing with you really I am! God created the TV so I guess we are suppose to watch it? Hey! Let's stir something up today!! How about Gay marriges!....or better yet, your dog was mating with another dog in my front yard...when is the last time you saw that!!!!!!